Sunday, May 3, 2015

Hault- In the Name of Love

Let's just get things out there on the table. It has been a hot minute since I have posted. I have been dealing with some hardcore puking, fatigue, aches, and all that goes with being freshly pregnant! Yes, that's right, we found out on April 9th, that we are expecting baby #3! We are so excited and and cannot wait until we get to meet this little bundle. It has definitely been a very rocky start, and I'm hoping that by the end of the 1st trimester, I'm morning/all day sickness free! This time around has been very different than the first 2 times. I don't know if it's my age, the fact that I have 2 little guys to chase after all day, or what, but I can definitely say this is 100% different than my previous pregnancies. 
During the 1st trimester with my oldest, I remember having nausea and that was pretty much it. I craved processed food, and sucked on jolly ranchers to help with the nausea. I never got sick, I never was super tired, but I also did not have any children to watch after. With my 2nd baby, I had the same symptoms. I was a bit more tired, but I also had a very easy 10-month-old who allowed me to take naps if I needed. He was not crawling yet, so I did not have to chase after him or freak out about the stairs. I was also still breast-feeding, so if there were any boobie aches, I was blind to it. I honestly think that I had a pretty easy-breazy pregnancy both times around.
...And then, #3 happened! Whoosh! We had some early on scares, that really made us wonder if we were going to make it through the pregnancy. I was not having any symptoms whatsoever, and I was having some bleeding (sorry, TMI). The only things that kept me going was the fatigue and extremely (actually, extremely doesn't even begin to explain it) painful boobies. My Dr had me go in for a 48-hr blood draw, which is when they draw your blood and test your hCg beta numbers and 48-hrs later, they do the same draw. Your numbers need to be doubling at that time in your pregnancy. Well, my first draw was 14,786. This is an extremely high number, like super high. They expected it to be around 3,000 or so. Then, 48-hrs later the number went up to 25,405, which of course made me nervous since the number didn't double. I called the Dr freaking out, and the nurse was telling me that once your number hits about 6-8,000, it generally takes about 96+ hours to double. Looking at my doubling time, it was about 55-60 hrs. She then said, I wouldn't be surprised if you were having twins, which could explain the early bleeding and the high numbers! Ugh, what? This is definitely not the conversation nor the news I was expecting to hear when I made the phone call! OK, deep breath, this is just a guess, this is not for sure! After hanging up the phone and freaking out for a few minutes, I thought about what she said and concluded that she was just excited that it wasn't bad news and she just threw that out there.....right?! To make things even more unknown, my 1st sonogram isn't until May 11th! Here's to a long drawn out wait!!:/ 
Well, now that I am not worried about what is going on in my tum, the all day sickness has taken a turn for the worse. I wake up numerous times a night and enjoy some quality time with the toilet. I wake up in the morning and head straight back to the restroom to puke up whatever water is left in my tummy. By the time I get downstairs with the kids, my stomach hurts so bad, but I think it's because I am so hungry. I cannot eat anything that has sugar, as it's now my arch nemesis! (and we all know how much I love my sugar..) After eating something light, it usually likes to come back up shortly after. By this point, I'm catching myself trying to convince the kids that a nap would be a wonderful idea-I succeed about 25% of the time. After a nap, we eat some lunch or a snack, depending on the time. Macaroni is usually a good choice, as it sits well, and doesn't gross me out. It's about this time, when my stomach has finally settled and doesn't hurt from being so hungry or from getting sick. 
I have to admit, my kids and husband have been so good to me. I don't know how people do it by themselves or when they have very wild children. And maybe, they all just feed off of my energy and understand that Mom needs a lot of quiet time. Plus, when Joe gets home or has the day off, it's go go go for the 3 of them. Thankfully, I am able to hibernate and take as many naps and sleep as long as I need.

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